- .woman sitting in jelly have her ass in jam.
- ...man with penis in peanut butter, fucking nuts.
- ...man who puts penis in vaccuum cleaner, get sucked off.
- ...boy who lay girl on hill, not on level.
- ...man who lose key to girlfriend apartment, get no new-key!
- ...he who finger girl during period, get caught red-handed.
- ...he who smoke pot, choke on handle.
- ...woman who wear g-string, high on crack!
- ...he who stand on toilet, high on pot!
- ...boy who go to bed with sex problem on mind, wake up with solution on-hand!
- ...girl who bathe in vinegar, walk around with sour-puss!
- ...man with hand in bush, not nessarily trimming shrubs!
- ...man who masturbate into cash register, soon come into money!
- ...he who masturbate, screw only himself!
- ...he who walks thru airplane door sideways is going to Bangkok!
- ...dumb man climb tree to get cherry, wise man spread limbs!
Great Sayings by Great People : Hilarious Part 2
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